Purna Dhanurasana

Purna Dhanurasana

Purna Dhanurasana - Drishti Yoga School

Pic By @plantifulearthling

(Full Bow Pose) = final and advanced posture of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

• Level: Advanced
• Type: Back-bend, Stretch, Strength
• Position: Prone
• Duration: 15-20 sec.

Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose = The final and advanced Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) – In this asana, your whole body seems to be in a shape like a fully stretched bow, a deep back-bend pose which opens your heart.

Purna Dhanurasana Meaning – 

Purna= Full, Dhanur= Bow, Asana= Posture.

purna dhanurasana pic

Pic Credit – Darya @darishap

Important to know before you practice Purna Dhanurasana:

• Be sure that your muscles and joints are warm enough.
• This asana should not be practiced in a full stomach.
• Avoid this asana if you have a weak back or weak joints.
• Don’t strain or push your body beyond the limits.
• This asana is more beneficial when practiced before or after forward bending asanas.

Purna Dhanurasana Benefits:

• Improves flexibility of back, shoulders, and hips.
• Stretches and strengthens the muscles.
• Strengthens the heart.
• Improves digestion.
• Improves blood circulation.
• Removes the excess body fat.
• Massages the muscles & abdominal organs.
• Removes tension, anxiety & relaxes the body.
• Rid of gastritis pain.
• Rid of menstrual pain.

Purna Dhanurasana Contraindications:

• Hernia
• High blood pressure
• Colitis
• Heart problems
• Back injury
• Neck injury
• Any joint injury
• Recent abdominal surgery
• Pregnancy

How to do Purna Dhanurasana correctly:

1.) Lay down on your belly, with the forearms on the mat in front of you. Gently inhale and exhale.
2.) Exhale – Bend your legs at the knees as much as you can and try to touch your butt with your heels.
3.) Slightly lift your upper body and grab your big toes.
4.) Deep inhale and lift your upper body as well as your thighs and look up towards the seeling.
5.) Pull your elbows as much as you can towards your face.
6.) Press your pubic bone into the mat.
7.) Be sure that your knees are in one line with your hips.
8.) Inhale and exhale deeply and try to breathe into the rear part of your upper back.
9.) Stay in this position for at least 15-20 sec.
10.) Deep exhale and slowly release the posture.

What am I missing here? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it in.

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