Ultimate Guide to Crane Pose | Step by Step and its Benefits

Crane Pose

Bakasana is an arm balancing pose for any beginner. According to Sanskrit BAKA means Crane and Asana is the posture.

Crow pose is also often called Bakasana, both the asanas are performed the same way but the final posture position is different when compared to each other.

Have you noticed a crane when stretched completely it locks its knee? The names are derived from observing the nature and identifying the characteristics of animals in most of the Yoga asanas.

It describes the ability to build strength on the arms and engage the core of the body to attend the posture.

The struggle to perform any arm balancing posture, while Bakasana would be a challenging yoga posture for many of us, KAKASANA also know as Crow posture is first practiced to attend stability for a beginner among many other arm balancing postures. Getting into a Posture may always seem nearly impossible until  – it doesn’t. 

Yoga Guru’s always asks us to perform any posture with the steadiness  and right alignment to attain maximum benefit.

Kakasana and Bakasana are techinically two different posture or asanas. They may look similar to anyone who sees it – Kakasana ( Crow Posture ) is performed with your elbows bent and your knees placed or resting on the upper arms, whereas in Bakasana ( Crane Posture ) your arms are straight technically by locking your elbows (remember to not hyper extend them) and by tucking your knees closer to your armpit or underarms.


Benefits of Crane Pose 

  • Improves focus
  • Strengthens arm muscles
  • Builds Core strength
  • Opens Shoulder Blades
  • Strengthens chest muscles.
  • Toning of inner groins.
  • Enables you to control Body
  • Strengthens Wrist

How to Perform Bakasana 

  • Bakasana can be performed two way, lets see how can it be done from Downward facing Dog.
  • Starting with foot placed hip distance apart and wrist placed right under the shoulder. Stretch your palm as wide as possible. Walk your foot towards your palms.
  • Bending your knee , hands in front of your foot , place your shoulder over your wrist ( if shoulders are tight places your palms a little wider). Observe the pressure on both your wrist.
  • Now tuck your knees right under your armpits. Firmly press your knees to your upper arms.
  • The Second way of performing is by sitting down in a Squat position.
  • Place your hands 6-8 inches in front of your foot, Tuck knees firming in your armpit or underarm.
  • KAKASANA ( CROW POSTURE) Knees placed on triceps and elbows bent and knees slightly out.
  • Observe Shin placed of your triceps, now lean forward and slowly lift one foot of the floor, then the another.
  • Both foot off the floor , engaging your core and stretch your arms until they are completely straight until you find your center of gravity.
  • Inhale and exhale here while you balance in this posture for 15-20 seconds and try twice to observe the muscle memory.

Variations of Crane Pose 

Bakasana with Block


  • Performing any arm balancing posture may be challenging but when practiced with support you will be able to achieve it in no time.
  • Placing a Block under your feet and both your knees closer to the underarm and spread your fingers wide to get most of the grip and now try to move your body weight  forward while your shoulders are above your wrist.
  • Now once you find your center of gravity , lift one foot of the floor and then try lifting the other or try to balance on your big toe.
  • Try this on both the sides and hold for 15-20 seconds, once performed on both the sides, try to lift both the foot of the floor.


Precautions before Performing Crane Pose

  • Avoid if you have vertigo or dizziness.
  • Any wrist pain must avoid performing it.
  • Back injury or pain , disc issues and arthritis must consult doctor before performing
  • Place a blanket or block in front of your head to avoid injury or fall.

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